HND and an HNC

If you’re not sure that you want to go the whole hog with a degree, you might want to consider an HND or an HNC. Both courses are undergrad qualifications (like a degree) but they take less time to complete, and are often designed to prepare you for a specific career such as accountancy, travel & tourism or computing.

What’s an HND?

A Higher National Diploma (HND) is a work-related course provided by higher and further education colleges in the UK. A full-time HND takes two years to complete, or three to four years part-time. Generally an HND is the equivalent to two years at university.

What’s an HNC?

A full-time Higher National Certificate (HNC) takes one year to complete, or two years part-time. Many HNC courses cover the same subjects as an HND, but an HNC is one level below an HND (it’s generally equivalent to the first year at university).

Popular HND & HNC Courses